Project Notes
This project is based on designing a search aggregator website while focusing on search functionality.
Initially, data sources are found to provide the content of the website. Content models are created to show the sources of each piece of content on a page. Wireframes, mockups and prototypes were made for multiple pages of the website. Pages include the homepage, search results with faceted navigation, sort and filters, no results page and a destination page.
Home Page
Users have the option to create an account to see customized suggestions on the homepage based on their previous searches, preferences and location. The content updates as new products are released, new breweries open, and prior suggestions are tried. Search boxes featuring voice input are displayed in the navigation and the hero. The logo in the navigation acts as a drop-down for selecting other countries' versions of the website.
Search Results: Lots
Users are shown how many total results, breweries and products. Results can be viewed as a grid, list or map. Different options are provided for distance when purchasing and where it is made. Input, slider and a dropdown can be used for selecting distance. Sorting options include relevance, alphabetical order, popularity and distance. Users' pre-made preferences can be applied for quick filtering. Subcategories for types would be displayed after initial selection.
Search Results: None
A friendly message is displayed to take away from error frustration. Popular searches are shown to help users proceed in their navigation. A hero search box is present to allow for quick changes in the search.
Destination Page
A large image showcases the product while accompanied by a description, the producer, percentage, rating, a drop-down for selecting a size that updates the price, and a button that shows where to purchase. The ingredient list describes what each ingredient is. Products with similar ingredients and nearby breweries are offered as carousels for continued browsing and to save page space. Finally, users can view and add reviews for the product.